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Off-Campus Study

Beyond Brunswick

Consistent with the idea of preparing boys for a life of learning and growth, we offer numerous opportunities to study in high-caliber programs throughout the United States and abroad. These partnerships offer intense academics, while also allowing for experiential education, site-specific study, and new understandings of the proverbial “classroom.”

Students typically study “away” during their junior year, although it is possible that sophomores and even seniors could choose to do so. Most programs offer standardized testing and assistance with the college process in conjunction with Brunswick’s own college office.

In the last four years, our students have studied in Spain, China, Italy, Colorado, and the Bahamas for either the entire academic year or a semester. In recent years students have studied in Jordan, Italy, China, Washington, D.C., Maine, Vermont, Colorado, and the Bahamas.

Off-Campus Study Programs

My year abroad in Zaragoza, Spain was without a doubt the best year of my life. Not only because of the experiences I had each and every day, but more importantly because of who I was when I came home.Luke Lorentzen '11


Jonathan Kaptcianos

Upper School Dean of Student Life, Department Chair, Off Campus Study Program, Mathematics, Upper Sc