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Frequently Asked Questions

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We look forward to seeing you this summer!


Q: Is Kinder Camp open to all students? 
A: Kinder Camp enrollment is only open to boys entering Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten at Brunswick. 
Q: Will lunch be served each day?
A: For those students enrolled in both Kinder Camp and Kinder Camp Extended Day, lunch will not be provided. The boys should bring a bagged lunch. No glass please.


Q: Can girls register for Lower School classes?
A: Lower School Summer Session classes remain all-boys. Registration is open to girls in Brunswick’s Middle School and Upper School offerings. 

Q: Is lunch provided during the Summer Session?
A: For any students enrolled in both morning and afternoon activities, lunch will be provided each day in the Lower School Cafeteria. This also applies to boys enrolled in morning Summer Session classes and afternoon Sports Camp activities.

Q: How will my son find his way to his next activity?

A: Students will be guided to their next classes by either a teacher or a counselor. Those students who are coming or going to a sports camp will be walked to that next activity.


Q: Where are the Middle School classes located? 
A: Middle School Summer Session classes are held at the Middle School building at 1275 King Street (Math & Coding in the Digital Age and the Brunswick Theater Workshop! Are located at the Upper School at 100 Maher Avenue)

Q: Is it possible to take Middle School classes in the morning and the Brunswick Theater Workshop! In the afternoon?
A: Yes, and there is a shuttle that drives from the Middle School to Maher Avenue at noon each day for any students enrolled in both morning activities at King Street and the Brunswick Theater Workshop!

Q: My child can only enroll in one week of the Brunswick Theater Workshop! Can we still sign up for it?
A: Yes, it is possible to limit registration in the Brunswick Theater Workshop to one or two weeks, if necessary. After registration, please email if you would like to enroll in only one or two weeks.


Q: Is there a dress code for the Summer Session?
A: The dress is casual for Summer Session classes.